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以下为华尔街见闻整理的鲍威尔 9 月 FOMC 大幅降息后记者会问答环节全记录

问题 1:Strong third quarter GDP running 3% so what changed to made the committee go 50. Andhow do you respond to the concerns that perhaps it shows the Fed is more concerned about the labor market, and I guess should we expect more 50s in the months ahead? And based on what should we make that call?

第三季度美国 GDP 预计强劲增长 3%,那么是什么变化让美联储决定降息 50 个基点?这是否可能表明美联储更担心劳动力市场,未来也会继续每次降息 50 个基点?我们应该根据什么做出这一判断?

回答 1:

Let me jump in. So since the last meeting, we have had a lot of data come in. We've had the two employment reports July and August. We've also had two inflation reports, including one that came in during blackout. We had the QCW report, which suggests that the payroll report numbers that we're getting may be artificially high and will be revised down. You know that we've also seen that anecdotal data like the Beige Book, so we took all of those, and we went into blackout, and we thought about what to do, and we cleared that this was the right thing for the economy, for the people that we serve, and that's how we made our decision. So that's one question.

自上次会议以来,我们收到了很多数据,有 7 月和 8 月的两份非农就业报告,还有两份通胀报告,其中一份是在美联储官员静默期内发布的。还有 QCW 报告表明我们非农新增就业数可能被人为抬高,将会被下调。我们也看到了像美联储褐皮书这样的轶事数据,所以我们收集了所有这些数据,然后进入公开发言的静默期,我们思考该怎么做,并明确了这对经济、对我们服务的美国人民来说是正确的,这就是我们做出决定的方式。

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